Product Info
Book Delivery: Book will be delivered in 7 working days.
1. Preliminary
2. Incorporation of Companies & Incidental Matters
3. Prospectus and Allotment of Securities
4. Share Capital and Debentures
5. Acceptance of Deposits
6. Registration of Charges
7. Management and Administration
8. Declaration and Payment of Dividend
9. Accounts of Companies
10. Audit and Auditors
11. Companies Incorporated Outside India
12. Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008
13. The General Clauses Act 1897
14. Interpretation of Statutes
15. Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999
Faculty Info
CA Karan Kumar
A Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary also.
KK Sir Qualified CS at age of 21. KK Sir has been professionally teaching Law Papers and having a rich experience in teaching.
He has always been innovative and flexible who strives to find new ways to present the material and lectures to make sure that every student understand each and every concept with clarity.
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