CA Vinod Gupta

CA Vinod Gupta is widely recognized as the chieftain of taxation among the faculties of CA Final. He has taught Direct tax to over 300,000 CA Final students and has nearly three decades of experience as an instructor and tax practitioner.

He qualified Chartered Accountancy in November 1986 with rank in CA Intermediate and CA Final and was also awarded best paper for Direct Taxation for CA Final.

Named among the best faculties of Direct tax in the country, he laid the foundation of VG Learning Destination.

Started as Vinod Gupta Classes in 1991, VG Learning Destination is now a pioneer institute for CA Final Direct Tax and International taxation. Under the directorship of CA Vinod Gupta, VG Learning Destination has become a flagship institute that has over 150 centers across India and Nepal.

Also, in Singapore, CA Vinod Gupta has ventured a new education program for Singapore students.

Every center of the VG Learning Destination is equipped with smart classes that are powered by a standard tech. It allows thousands of students to utilize the best available resources for studying DT & IT and learn from the practical experiences of CA Vinod Gupta.

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